Labour of Love


Hypnobirthing Two Day Course Saturday 31st August and Sunday 8th September

Hypnobirthing Two Day Course Saturday 12th October and Sunday 20th October



Refresher Course

Sunday September 29th 10am-1pm


Roganstown Hotel, Swords


See Upcoming Courses Section for future courses in 2024………

FREE hypnobirthing tracks below on YouTube!

 I have also recently added a Breastfeeding affirmations video and a Motherhood affirmations video. For those that need a recap on the breathing techniques check them out here

Or click here for the Dropbox links for download here

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“Labour of Love” provides Hypnobirthing Courses and Birth Preparation Classes in the Greater Dublin area. Courses are back in person!!.

While nobody can predict what path a labour and birth will take, knowledge and preparation for birth will assist in reducing panic and stress. Women who attend birth preparation classes report feeling more confident and in control of their birth experiences. Try hypnobirthing today by listening to the Calmbirth track here and start your journey to a more positive birth experience.

With 19 years experience in midwifery and nearly 10 years experience teaching hypnobirthing I have had over 1000 couples undertake the course with overwhelming positive feedback. In keeping with the philosophy of hypnobirthing the Labour of Love classes are small and interactive. They are 10-12 hours of birth preparation- any less is not a hypnobirthing course. You will find a maximum of 7 couples per course. I am still working as a midwife in the clinical environment and endeavor to keep up to date with research and provide you with the findings to enable women and their partners make informed decisions about their care. Most importantly, classes are in person. While online learning has it’s place (and is a great alternative when courses can’t be face to face) it’s difficult to maintain attention span looking at a screen for hours and most people find they gain more from being in person.

* Birth Preparation courses taught by registered midwives are refundable partially/fully by insurance companies. Speak to your health insurance company to find out your eligibility.